Our Writing Projects

are managed using a generally
accepted project life cycle
based on

Project Management Institute
PM Book of Knowledge


Establishing a successful business relationship may often depend on formal correspondence that builds the know, like, and trust factors necessary to make sales. For regular business writing that generates the impression of a substantial enterprise you want to make sure that composition and grammar are correct and that the presentation is properly formatted.


One major caveat with general correspondence is that we edit documents, we do not write a document from scratch. The contents of the documents will be based on what the customer has written, while our contribution is focused on making sure this is properly presented, properly spelled, and grammatically correct. We will work with you to make sure that the information we work with is complete and sufficient input for the creation of properly formatted documents.

That said, we are very flexible about the input from which we assemble your correspondence, as we can compose the documents using standards that are generally accepted. The intent is to help people overcome obstacles: not to create obstacles to communicating through formal correspondence. We can also create form letters that help you write subsequent letters on your own, depending on what your needs are. It does not matter what subject matter is involved: all our work is completely confidential.

Our services are not restricted to new Canadians – there are many people that find it challenging to write formal correspondence. The bottom line is that you should tell us WHAT you want to communicate, while we focus on HOW to communicate to put it in writing so that you get to sign the correspondence and mail it as your own.

Restrictions may apply to academic writing. It can be a touchy subject: some colleges may overreact assuming academic dishonesty for a professionally formatted and presented result: this penalizes a student who for valid reasons cannot format and present results in a formal document to get full credit. We recommend that, before they use our services, students clear this with their college to make sure they avoid any negative consequences, and to help us comply with the provisions your college may have for editing such materials.