Our Writing Projects

are managed using a generally
accepted project life cycle
based on

Project Management Institute
PM Book of Knowledge

Web Design

Web Design Picture To attract Internet-savvy customers to your website it has to stand out among highly competitive alternative site selections with great form and function.  It must capture a prospect at first sight with relevant and easy to read content.  We design inviting sites that deliver meaningful information compelling your customers to continue reading.  We take a holistic approach to building websites ensuring your website content functions harmoniously.  We check to see what may be missing, what can be improved, but above all, we make sure that your website content is easy to understand and easy to navigate.

Write4hire specializes in delivering the right message to suit your customers – we audit your existing site to look for improvement opportunities, how it pulls consumers into finding out more about your business, your products and services, to help them to make a selection and to gently guide them to make a purchase.  We can perform a technical assessment for search engine compatibility and SEO best practices, to make sure your prospective customers can find you.  We borrow and maintain distinctive elements that will reassure past customers that you are the same business they have come to trust.

We will show you what difference content can make, and we will advise you on visual enhancements to please your customers and to increase your viability as a prospective vendor.  Web advertising is confidence building: information provided without pressure. Confidence is what draws the customer in, to explore what you have to offer, which in turn is what leads to the sale on-line (clicks), or in your place of business (bricks).  Take a look and explore our website which explains our process for constructing your website.  By doing so, you will gain confidence in the ease of simple navigation design which your prospects will appreciate.